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The process of evaluating a real estate investment usually has a standardized path, meant to be implemented by an accredited expert evaluator. The difference between any other expert evaluator and a Conadi one lies in the ability to solve difficult plights; therefore, the technical expertise of our team prevails.

Valuation Reports for Land, Residential Properties, Commercial Properties, Industrial Properties, and Special Properties.

Our appraisers have experience across all types of real estate properties, utilizing data from the local market and similar properties. Valuation reports are prepared in accordance with the Valuation Standards -ANEVAR and International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)


Market studies

Consulting services consisting in analysis of market data in order to provide recommendation about potential investments. We identify the connection between competitive offer and demand, in order to establish the potential of the proposed development under a specific use, so our clients may take a practical decision.


Feasibility Studies

Our analysis helps our clients to determine if the result between costs and benefits allies with their expectation and the development conducts to maximum result.


Machinery and Equipment Valuation

Machinery and equipment valuation is an important process for a range of financial decisions including lending, investment, insurance and transaction. We provide accurate valuations considering factors as asset condition, market demand, technological conditions, in relation with the purpose of valuation.


NPL Consultancy

NPL Consultancy is a special case of more general financial asset valuation applied to Non-Performing Loans. Methodologies are applied catching the large uncertainty surrounding the contractual cash flow or status of assets.


Valuation Reports for Enforcement Procedures and Judicial Expertise Reports

Valuation reports required for different stages of legal process.


Real estate valuation and sensitivity analyses

Sensitivity analyses is a powerful tool for decision making, examining important variables related to the property and the impact of their modification during the investment duration.


Business valuation

Business valuation is the process of determine the financial value of a company. The valuation involves collecting and analysing a range of metrics, such as revenue, profits, and losses, as well as the risks and opportunities a business takes. The goal is to arrive at a company’s estimated intrinsic value and enable entrepreneurs and investors to make informed purchase, sale, or investment decisions.


Valuation of properties under development

This type of valuation is in general required associated with a construction loan, but is also helpful for developers to be informed about potential market changes and impact of costs in final profit of their investment.


Analysis of the Best Use of a Property and Financial Analysis of Real Estate Investments

Starting from the four tests for Highest and Best Use, we conduct an analysis considering each potential use of the property and its corresponding value, conducting to maximally productive use.


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